Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Secular Islam for Individual Accountability


We found the following blog linked at Farhat Hashmi’s WordPress blog:


This is Al-Huda International Welfare Foundation speaking. If you look at the introduction part of this Pakistani woman’s blog, you’d notice many have left comments saying that the blogger thinks just like they do:


In other words, on the Day of Judgment these people may not be judged individually. There would be a Group Account for them. They’re all exactly the same. And if they hate everybody that doesn’t believe in the things they do, e.g. Wahhabism, and if they call every other lover of Allah a non-Muslim, they may have to go to hell as a group.


Similarly, if the Nazis think that all those who disbelieve in the ‘blood of the Lamb,’ ’son of God,’ etc., are bad people, and they try to harm those people and help each other at it, they would have to go to hell as a group.


Secular Islam is to say that my religion, my faith, is personal to me. I don’t need you to teach me. God is enough as a Teacher. I won’t take Dr. Farhat Hashmi or Dr. Israr Ahmed or Zakir Naik as my personal mullah. They can teach me something, but I don’t have to believe everything they believe. There are plenty of teachers around in any case.


If you can’t reason with such people, these Islamic scholars or mullahs — you’ve taken them as your Lords.


Then there are those that don’t have anything to do with religion. They don’t know ethics either. They won’t argue with you about religion or hate you for your religion. But they want you to become unethical like themselves. If you enjoy ethics, they think your religion teaches you extremism.


So, ‘go to the mountains!’ for secular Islam (End time advice).


Don’t force yourself to be part of any group lest you must go to Hell with that group of people. Thankfully, the Nazis aren’t fashionable any longer: See . They’re a conformist group like the Talibans. But then there are American people, for example, who don’t have anything to do with their government or Nazism that believe in individuality and application of reason. Such people can value your personal strengths and skills instead of hating you for your nationality or faith.


Only illiterates don’t know that genius has everything to do with individualism.


So, give up on the Taliban and Nazi types, and the third ‘don’t-care-about-ethics’ group.


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