Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dear Fellow Distinguished, Sirs

Dear Fellow Distinguished Sirs

Of the British Trading Company:

23rd, December 1827

I am with duty bound to thee to supply

of adventures

within of my time spent here within palace walls

as well

as the land of Gomatak and to others

areas of my travails.

I have recently seen and experienced first

of hand the plunder of that

of my heart.

It seems that one of our own

kidnapped of my heart with selfless manner

of ways.

One woman such as I, should not be held in

total account, other

than being a woman of heart.

It seems from out of nowhere this

piratical pirate named Sayer, a true gentleman

from distance, great of mind with untapped passions

drifting through his being,


of my mind in such innocent ways.

Somehow, in his due course of time,

he planned to seek of me, the poetic lady

of sonnet.

His ship made way to, my destine to

that of my

present revelry here in the land

of Gomatak, India.

Shocked was I, when word came to me

within the royal palace compound.

That he had

docked his ship within mere distance of my current


of province.

I had not intent of ministrations of my heart,

at such time.

I was far removed from knowledge that

one such as he shall contrive to ply the

strings of pearls that

run across this heart of mine.

As thou with desire to touch of the pearls

that lie within wait in that of me.

I feel that I contrived of relevant


at the very least. I shall share with you,

that in due regard, I fear that,

this heart of mine shall be

raptured within the realms of sincerest amour.

I know not what steps to take other than of self

to be supplicant within the bounds

of his desirous needs. Oh, I do so fear

that with time he has

over powered me to feel of such passions

calling that

swirl like a cloud of gulls. Breathless and heated

I have felt within the tormented

moments of my body

being relegated to reach levels

of lust and

desire for that of he.

His ship was within bounds of harbor for a week.

Then it appeared duty

called of him to return,

back to his native area of sea. My mind adrift, with

dream like thoughts powered from

experiential experience

of time with him, drew me into hiding.

Parting of words,

seek reunion with that of he, in future

course of time.

I feel not far from that of he, in my alone moments.

I know that distance does

not relegate of matters of the

heart, you see.

I think with some unknown feeling of

intuitiveness, that with passing of the moons, a mutual

commune of souls shall be the bridge

between our souls.

A day shall arrive unexpected I dream

where at nightfall

my head shall lie in rest,

upon that strong shoulder of he.

I was with post haste to scribe of feelings of the

heart that lead, to that of me journey bound to other

areas of knowledge here in India.

I have explored cultures of various

groups of people;

I shall share that, they are quite wondrous

in such spiritual ways. A multitude

live within ranks

and as well, live with great ease of

detachment from warring

against each other’s beliefs. As well,

I have developed

a kindred friendship with one of the monks that

is resident within one of the temples here.

We have

developed an outstanding friendship that

is very ceremonial

in principle with my garner of knowledge

that hence forth, ply’s

of my mind with the daily ministrations mind felt.

A gift, of such wondrous knowledge from

this holy man indeed.

I shall ever be indebted to the passionate

kindness of, kindred

spirit that he instills within the bounds of life.

Within, myself I feel greatly, indebted to

this man for his precious time spent with

much instruction

over due course of time, teaching me

much of the Vedic


I shall with sincerest intent, extol to be

communicative of adventure

here upon this shore of wonderous land,

environ of richness a plenty of souls

that capture the essence of such fullness of life.

Preciousness, heartfelt within my currency

bounds of each passing day and the

movement of time forward.

With haste I have need to make way

to that of the shah, to read verses and share

with delight, my adventures each passing of day.

Until time appropriates languid moments

with great solitude, I shall

close for now of post, with haste to voyage

this across the seas.

With the warmest of my best regards,

Mademoiselle d’ Abanville

To the piratical pirate, far away from land,

know that in return, I shall play a melodic

harmony, with the strings of your heart

within bounds of time drifting nearest.


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