Monday, December 7, 2009

All The President’s Perps – The “Plumbers” at the White House Gates Pt I

Editors Note:  This is a follow on to two previous blogs and a developing story.

For those of you new to this, please read the first two installments at:

Part I

Part II

The reason I am sending you to another wormhole in cyberspace for these two articles, when the first of the two appears on this site, is for you to see something else.

DISCRIMINATION.  Particularly against women and those with disabilities and how unfounded such attitudes are, how our continued mistreatment, even by Obama, unfortunately, leads to this kind of thing, and why I am determined to make sure that I both get a meeting with him and that this kind of thing stops.

There is nothing like seeing for yourself to believe.  And the kind of comments I got, particularly on the first Part above are almost unbelievable.  Then again, this whole situation is.  And again something I blame on Obama, for reasons you will understand when you read the next parts of the developing story….something that nobody else has caught.  This is a serious and breaking news story about Presidential lawbreaking that it appears Congress is trying to cover up and none of the media outlets have caught.

Not bad for a, in the words of Mr. Summers’ Mr. Obama’s chief economic advisor, “biologically inferior” GIMP.   And in addition to that proposal that has sat in the White House for way too long, more than enough reason for a meeting in the Oval Office Pronto.  Otherwise, there will be more to follow.  Because Mr. Obama is pretty sexist himself.  And shows no respect for white women in their thirties and forties, to the extent that his goons have already beaten me up, his administration refuses to investigate, his White House refuses to return my calls on a very good jobs and clean energy proposal and THERE ARE NO WHITE WOMEN AT ALL IN THEIR THIRTIES OR FORTIES AT ANY POWERFUL POSITION IN THIS ADMINISTRATION, EITHER IN THE WHITE HOUSE OR HEADING UP A CABINET POSITION.


This is the first of a series of this part of the action.

This is a follow up to the last blog I wrote on the topic of the supposed “break in” or um “lapse of security” or “failure of the secret service” or whatever bullshit du jour the “authorities” and “official sources” and unfortunately the mainstream media are too ever since that stupid distraction and soap opera occurred, are calling this charade not to mention the issue of “terrorist threats,” “threats to the president” and basically the entire pile of manure that surrounds this whole event that is, to use a phrase that I’m stealing from myself, but is absolutely appropriate here, so high, wide and deep that you can forget looking for the pony, ‘cause it died long ago.

Just from the stench of corruption surrounding this odiferous crap.

Not to mention the actual events of the night itself and why they were arranged.  Not to mention the ensuing “scandal” which was too.  And why.

The reason I’m writing this is because I have even more proof that what I wrote is true.

I now have additional proof that what I posted is true.  And now I’m going to tell you what that is, for several reasons, because I am really sick and tired of what is going on, and I am going to stop it.

I am also doing what I am doing to teach people, both in government and the average American a few lessons.  Including you Big Brother over there at Spook Central (NSC/CIA/FBI and whatever other unimaginative, unpronounceable acronyms you bozos make up for the security state that nobody can even remember, much less understand) and Orwell Tree House (The Department of Homeland Security) who can go kiss my ass.

And you know what; you guys over at the White House can do that too.  Not to mention ANYBODY IN GOVERNMENT, official or otherwise, who fucks with me over this.  Or anything else for that matter.  Except to start checking the President’s calendar for a meeting date.

Because I know Big Brother, among others, you are reading this too.  And if you care to show up at my door again, or any other government thugs, official or unofficial, all you are going to get, if I bother to answer my door at all, that is, is my middle finger in your face, if not my garbage pail contents thrown out my window on your heads and a string of invectives that is going to make that little twit Rambo look like a learning disabled three year old when it comes to using profanity (and I have far more respect for learning disabled three year olds than the other asshole bully for several reasons including their IQ, and morals) and trust me, I can out cuss that immoral fuck and bully in the White House, who does not intimidate me in the slightest, and when it comes to imaginative but very insulting, highly sophisticated, completely appropriate, extremely embarrassing and colorful profanity, huh, he’s in Kindergarten compared to me.  Among many other things.  And language I have every right to use.  Per some crazy thing called the law.  Not to mention, if he uses it, I can use it too.  See Title XII.

And if that confrontation happens, I will BE TAPING IT.  ON DIGITAL VIDEO SO IT WILL GO INSTANTLY VIRAL.  ASAP.

That if you would like to object to, on any stupid but you think clever or what is that word you dickheads like to use – “Unprecedented” – charge, is going to land you in a fucking Title XII, disabilities (both Rehab Act and/or ADA and 1991 Civil Rights Act) Hate Crimes and every other law I can throw at you, not to mention Constitutional law suit so fucking fast your heads are going to spin like a top.  And don’t even mention “NATIONAL SECURITY SECRET VIOLATION” YOU TURDS.

Because you don’t have a leg to stand on.

Even a prosthetic one.

Much less a wheelchair….and yes, I am making references to those with disabilities for a reason and not in a nasty or disrespectful way TO THEM, but to the fucks who are doing nothing about the issue (I.E. OUR NATIONAL LEADERS STARTING WITH OBAMA AND THE MISSUS, NOT TO MENTION CONGRESS) which you readers will understand in a sec, if you keep reading.


For those who don’t understand or think I’m being paranoid, even after you have completely read this blog and all of the attached blog posts (there are two other very important links you have to read to understand this especially if you have not been following the soap opera), I guarantee you, you will not think that way when I am done.

You see I had set a few, uh, “rat traps” to be consistent with my original analogies in that original story that I knew the ding dongs who I would be sending this too would probably set off and never even think to look for, much less, uh, “defuse the bomb”.  For reasons they would never catch or think I was too stupid to set.   And therefore trip.

Yes, I call myself Gimp Godzilla as a joke, but maybe Gimp Velociraptor would be more appropriate in this case.  Although I don’t plan on going extinct any time soon.  But trust me, just like in “Jurassic Park,” when I’m on the hunt for my prey, you will never see me coming.  And the uh, “attack” figuratively speaking will come from the direction least expected.

I may be a pacifist by choice.  But I do know how to be a predator.  That is the difference between being a moral human being with a sense of justice and committed to perpetuating it FOR EVERYONE and acting like a selfish solipsistic asshole.

See Exhibit A in the Oval Office for a perfect example of the latter.

But I knew that this was going to work because of the rampant discrimination against women and PWDs in our society, not to mention the disdain in general the political elite have for the hoi polloi.  And because they don’t want this leaking.  Blogs can be stripped from websites and blocked from channels in cyberspace too.  Just as well as pictures or stories can be blocked from websites.  Just like, for example, the British version of the BBC website was not available outside the country via the internet during key primaries in the U.S. last year.  How do I know that?  I checked.  For a reason.  I had some suspicions and still do about what the fuck is going on under the cover of FISA.  And trust me, when I write the blog that I’m going to about what I know about that, you will jump under the fucking bedclothes.

But why do you think that the BBC would block its own internal reporting from Americans trying to find out what the British were reporting internally during our own election, do you think?  And yes, the sites are different.  Go look them up.

But that kind of censorship has been going on for years.  Even before 9/11, Reuters, for example, would only send certain video feeds and news feeds  to certain countries and block feeds deliberately from going to others.  How do I know that?

Because I fucking worked for them.  Did I ever sign a nondisclosure?  No.  Did I ever tell them that I worked for the ACLU?  No.  Of course not.  They never asked.  And even if I had, they were too stupid or had no morals of their own to know, because of course I never said anything, that this kind of censorship is WRONG.


And yes I’m using very graphic language, but I need to get this through your heads.  And, according to the latest studies in psychology and psychiatry, profanity gets people’s attention VERY FUCKING FAST.  So I’m not trying to offend you.  I am trying to educate you, save you, and WAKE YOU UP.

But back to our traps.  Of course they weren’t suspecting them.  So they tripped them.  Thus exposing their two inch, if that long, dicks in public.  And yes, that was meant to be a sexist insult, but a funny one, and certainly one they deserve.  You know, there are always substitutes that work just as well.  And if I can use them on you boys, as I do very handily and am often begged to, you can use them on me.

Ooops did I just say that?

Yes I did.

I hope you are laughing.  That was a comic moment.  You need them in these kinds of things.  Because this is a very scary story.  But now back to it.

Our government and our country, treat women like shit.  I mean look at who is in our government and how they treat just women, let alone gimps.  Unless you are a gazillionaire and even then, Mrs. Clinton (who I am no fan of but for the first time in my life felt sorry for when this happened during the campaign last year) for example had to endure having her daughter basically called a prostitute on mainstream, national TV.

Despite the crap the anchor, not to mention the network tried to use to justify its or even that asshole reporter’s actions, I would have had the head of the network’s balls on a platter.

And served for lunch the next day, au jus.

And FIRED that reporter.

I mean who the hell does he think he is?  Whether it is Chelsea Clinton or some unknown woman from the projects, you DO NOT say those things about women on MAINSTREAM TV.

Or ANYWHERE for that matter.


And if you don’t believe me, name one female political reporter in her thirties or forties, who does.

You can’t.  Because there aren’t any.  We are, to quote Larry Summers, biologically inferior of doing so, apparently.

What century are we in again?

You know that I’m joking and I’m not Hannibal Lector, but I would have been far firmer than Hillary Clinton was, is the point of the above.  Women are far too used to taking too much shit.  And then take their frustration out on each other.

I am someone who HAS NEVER TAKEN IT.  FROM ANYONE.  A blog story for another day.   But I suggest that American women start to learn that same fucking attitude.

Those bastards at the network are just lucky Mrs. Clinton isn’t me.

But Obama is no better, despite signing a piece of paper.  BFD.

According to Mr. Summers, Mr. Obama’s head economic advisor, women are “biologically inferior” and not capable of apparently anything except breathing and breeding.  Despite this, Mr. Obama decided that Mr. Summers, naturally, was the best candidate for the job, despite his incestuous relationships with Wall Street, not to mention his previous um “fulltime” employer, if you can call showing up for work one day a week a full time job (although at a salary that was quite impressive I have to say of $1.5 Million for that day of work) plus HUGE consulting fees on the side from other corrupt Wall Street perps, all of whom of course got bailed out with your money.

DE Shaw, Mr. Summer’s immediate ex-employer, and founded by a guy also from Mr. Obama’s undergraduate alma mater (gee, it gets more incestuous all the time, doesn’t it) that underpaying slave driver, don’t you think, FYI is the Quantiest of all quant firms in the known planet as well as a very successful hedge fund.  And also very involved in things like cancer research (i.e. healthcare), housing, and cleantech.  To the point that they invested in a HUGE offshore cleantech facility right off of what state, rather conveniently, right as Mr. Summer’s got his new job offer?


Which is significant why?

Because it is Mr. Biden’s home state.  The VEEP.

Setting themselves up not only for another incestuous spot on a Presidential advisory board but for first dibs on a lot of YOUR money in very lucrative fields where the government is giving money away to its favorite people right now.  In boatloads.  Healthcare, cleantech, etc and ad nauseum.

And oh, yes, DE Shaw is also buying lots of repossessed homes on the cheap too, as soon as the homeowners the government couldn’t give a fuck about are barely beginning to stack the few belongings left them in boxes next to their bunk beds in small piles at their nearest homeless shelter.  AND DON’T HIRE GIMPS.

Which as mentioned before in New York, thanks to such “brilliant” policies as Mr. Bloomberg’s, along with Mr. Donovan (who Mr. Obama picked for his new head of HUD so we can see some more of that “innovation in housing” nationally, are about as “brilliant” as those of Mr. Obama’s.  And as I have mentioned before, it costs twice as much to be homeless in New York City, as to occupy a studio apartment in the cheapest part of the city, thanks to such “brilliance.”  And, um “innovation.”

Does anyone else see any ethical or other say economic or logic problems here or am I the ONLY ONE?

Which also might explain some of the problems we’ve been having with Mr. Obama’s reluctance to do anything about reigning in Wall Street, implementing decent healthcare legislation, appointing a man to head Treasury who should be behind bars rather than behind the fucking desk at the head of Treasury (that would be little Timmy Turbo Tax) and does a lot of explaining about what is going so wrong right now with our economy and the absolutely inane if not stupid and immoral economic decisions this administration is making.  If not all of them.  About almost everything.  And no, signing documents doesn’t matter.  Neither does making token appointments.

Per that old fashioned Wendy’s ad “Where’s the FUCKING BEEF?”

Nonetheless Mr. Summers, who by the way also mentored Mr. Geithner, and along with Mr. Greenspan, destroyed the woman’s career who warned Mr. Greenspan in 1998/1999 about the danger of unregulated derivatives (for which they both wrecked her career right before they destroyed Glass Steagall, two of the most important reasons and causes for our economy going “boom’ last year with just as much force and destruction but which will cause far greater suffering for many more people GLOBALLY and last much longer than the damage of 9/11 ever did.

And this warning by the way, FROM A WOMAN, Brooksley Born (also the FIRST FEMALE LAW SCHOOL REVIEW EDITOR EVER AND FROM A PRESTIGIOUS LAW SCHOOL AT THAT…AND IN THE SIXTIES MR. OBAMA, you sexist asshole)…who of course, naturally don’t understand economics because we are so stupid and biologically inferior, per Summers, was BEFORE ENRON’s IMPLOSION, which was about exactly the same shit.

Oh, and one more thing.  Mr. Summers was also fired from Harvard for those disgustingly sexist and Neanderthal comments about women too.

Nevertheless, Mr. Obama of course, being so much more brilliant than anyone else on the planet, according to him, naturally therefore, decided, that Mr. Summers would of course, be the best option to have as HIS numero uno economic advisor.

I personally see a great deal of “brilliance” in that decision, but not the kind I would ever share in public.  It’s the kind that I routinely extrude in my toilet and flush down the commode when solid waste removal out of a certain orifice for biological functioning of my internal organs is necessary.  Specifically the intestines and the bowel region of my anatomy.

If that is what we call “brilliance” in our elected leaders, I think Americans need to look up in a dictionary if necessary, if they do not understand the meaning of this next term: “shit for brains masquerading as genius instead.”

Nevertheless, back to the point.  The current administration is so sexist, elitist, discriminatory and impressed with its own importance and significance, not to mention that everyone in it thinks that they are smarter than everyone else in America, that it thinks it could never be set up in its own rat trap.

Which is exactly what I set out for them along with catching them in the act, in that little story about the “White House Break in” Bullshit.

It’s not that the story is not true…it’s just that I added certain extra things to set those traps off.

Except the traps I set were things that were extremely sophisticated, not verbal, not necessarily visible at all, and there are more of them that I’m not going to mention, but I will tell you about the ones that have so far gone off as in “SNAP, SNAP, SNAP” to further lend cred to this story, to teach a few lessons, and to start to make America WAKE THE FUCK UP.

The first is that the fact that a story carrying a picture of the CEO of PepsiCo India would be automatically sponsored on the premiere feeder law site domestically, LAW.COM is interesting in and of itself because the story is very critical of the President and the Indian government does not want to damage a business or political relationship with America right now.  Or vice versa.  Despite the fact that they want nothing to do with our military activities next door.

It’s not the first time that one of my stories has been carried on  But the fact that it was sponsored by Pepsi was the issue. would never have carried that story otherwise.  I did that deliberately.  By using so much profanity that there is no way they would.  Nor would Pepsi have sponsored it, certainly not Pepsi India, not only because of the colorful language I used, but also because they certainly would have gotten the cultural references I used also.

Which they, unlike Americans reading the story or apparently my blog posts, DO NOT UNDERSTAND.  They are sophisticated multinational cultural references that require an education.  That only very educated people will be able to interprete i.e. heads of state, senior members of the UN and people that I grew up with.  And was educated to think that way from a very young age.  Despite the ‘tude coming out of the White House and the way I was always treated in DC and for that matter New York about not having a fucking Ivy on my resume.

The reference I made to Mrs. Obama giving a children’s book, “The Jungle Book,” about a little Indian boy, who lived in the jungle among talking animals, would not (I certainly hope) be lost on either the Senior White House clowns (although you never do know given what they gave to Mr. Brown), certainly not Ms. Jarrett who hails from Imperial Iran under the American propped up Shah, (a horrifically brutal government also backed up by the CIA for American business interests) or the Indian Government.   The latter of whom would certainly understand that I was saying that America treats India like a child named Mowgli, the central character in Kipling’s book, as an unequal.  A primitive living in the jungle.  Low caste.  Not a Raj (an Indian King – the highest caste that one can get and closest to God in the Hindi religion).

Now do you understand?

And for Mrs. Obama to give him that book would be to say “Fuck You.  You bow to us.  You are part of the American Empire, we dictate how you are going to rule your country.”

That is what IMPERIALISM IS.

And personally disgusting coming from a woman who not only is the descendant of slaves but doesn’t even know that Sesame Street, for example causes epilepsy in children because of the editing techniques it uses.  And was used by the Nixon administration to dumb down public education.  Not to mention that the fact that yes, my proposal, sitting at the White House ignored, because for whatever reason the elitists at the White House think they are better than I am, when they aren’t,  is better than hers, including the fact that I had already done my homework eight months earlier, to the point of having soil scientists in place to soil test the plot of land I wanted to use for my organic gardening work.  Sorry honey, but just having an Ivy League or even being first lady, doesn’t give you the right to get credit for nothing.  And even worse than that Axelrod HAS a daughter with epilepsy.  And Mrs. Obama hasn’t hired or even invited a single person or a child to the White House with a disability.  Her father had one.  Why the hell is she sitting on the sidelines if ignoring the issue completely.

The reality is that the way people with disabilities are treated in America today is like the American Apartheid.  And frankly, just like India today.

In India, they pay slave labor wages to people who would be getting $60-70 an hour here.  And did.  Until they shipped jobs like computer programming to India.  Where the computer programmers there, with English speaking skills, get about $5 an hour for exactly the same work.  A practice Mr. Obama apparently seems to want to emulate, perpetuate if not speed up.  So I gave them a taste of their own fucking medicine.  To prove not only that the story was true about the fuckup and coverup, but to counter the sexism of this administration and Obama’s appalling continuation of OUR appalling foreign policy which ultimately hurts US.

So unless suddenly got smart about tagging, which I doubt, and knows about Indian telco law, which I doubt even further, someone told them to set that trigger on their site to pick up any picture from that night that included the picture of the perps with the CEO of PepsiCo India.  Who there was no doubt would be attending.   And was set on autopilot.  But someone set it and dollars to doughnuts came from the White House.  Again, remember the whole silly Pepsi vs. Coke thing?  Again, nothing happens for an accident.  The White House is setting up business relationships all over the place.  It’s providing product placement for Google for Christ’s sakes on it’s own website.

But it’s not a new thing for America to push it’s products onto the rest of the world, even at the point of a gun.  What is “unprecedented” to quote them themselves is that this is so aggressive, and that they are actively speeding up the outsourcing of slave labor overseas, making the situation here even worse.  And doing nothing about the situation back home.  But doing it in such a way that is literally invisible to the American people so all they see is Obama doing his “I care” act bullshit when the man doesn’t give a flying fuck.

And the reason I know all of this is deductive logic, Dr. Watson.  Plus a very strong background in Telco and IT.  Not to mention political and internet marketing strategy.  That includes, yes, even though I have tits, a working knowledge of electrical and network engineering.  BASED ON EXPERIENCE.  What the hell do you think digital video is?  It’s the same as data.  It just needs to move faster.  That is the layman’s explanation, but essentially that’s all the difference there is.  But Obama and crew want to play I’m smarter than you and use this to fuck everyone who doesn’t know this.

They don’t want Americans to know about this stupid tagging crap, manipulation of the internet, outsourcing jobs as an official policy, along with the rest of the story, because the sponsorship and the story itself was removed from that site by another act.

Another trap I’ll get to in a sec.

But back to the sponsorship thing.

That Pepsi sponsorship was triggered by the data mining of the picture of the CEO of PepsiCo India at the White House dinner.  Set by for a reason.  By whom do you think?  Who does business in India and needs to know Indian law, number one?  And number two; there is another reason which I’ll get to in a moment.  Also very geeky and technical, but important.

The answers are corporate lawyers and law firms who do the outsourced business of big corporate America.  Where metadata and data mining are starting to be a big deal.  Who the president is servicing and giving all the bailout money to first, instead of supporting small business.  Don’t you remember Summers finally saying about three weeks ago, something to the effect “oh, yes, well we are turning our attention now to small business.”


Small business has always been the driving force of the commercial engine of America.

For the White House to be MIA for TEN MONTHS while saving Big Business and Wall Street first, while giving them extra money on top of that, is bad enough.

For this shit on top of that (i.e. speeding up the export of cheap labor overseas) is even worse.

But they’re not going to give much money to small business either.


Because they are flushing it down the toilet in Afghanistan.

And who does that benefit?  Wall Street and big business.  Who make the equipment for DoD in the first place.  And get their financing from Wall Street.  So this whole canard is just another bailout of Wall Street over YOUR STREET, plus a whole lot of kids who are going to get blown away just for the fuck of it.

ONE YEAR IN AFGHANISTAN COSTS AT LEAST AS MUCH as the entire domestic bailout.

Conservatively it costs about $1 Million per troop per year to keep those kids in an area that we are never going to do jack in.  THREE EMPIRES HAVE ALREADY TRIED TO GO IN ALREADY AND LOST.  What the fuck are we doing there?  Does Obama really think he’s so fucking brilliant that he’s going to do better than anyone else on the fucking planet or in history?

NO FUCKING WAY.  He is delusional if he even maintains a dream about it.

The country IS MOUNT EVEREST.  OBAMA IS NOT FUCKING MOHAMMED.  HE CAN’T MOVE MOUNTAINS.  Much as he would like to think so.  Or his ass kissing staff tells him that.

If you have read ANYTHING about what those kids are going through this is exactly what they are facing and it’s flipping their wigs.  If not blowing their circuits.  Even the ones who made it through Iraq, in one piece and relatively sane.  Which was no picnic.

The country itself in the lowlands, if you look at my last blog on the topic, and I’ll include the topographical map below again, is at it’s LOWEST point, 3,000 feet above sea level.  Those squiggly little lines folks, for those unused to reading topographical maps, are FUCKING MOUNTAINS.  THE HIGHEST, TALLEST, MEANEST MOTHERS ON THE PLANET.

Now, add 60-80 lbs of gear to that, which is what the average combat soldier wears, no language skills, no interpreters (how many Afghani fluent interpreters does DoD have do you think, when we only had like ten Iraqi ones and we fired one for being gay, let alone the State Department where Mrs. Clinton gives the Russian head of state a MISSPELLED BUTTON MEANING RESET?) a completely foreign culture, even more foreign than Iraq, a culture that has been under attack for CENTURIES, so trust me, they are fierce as shit, not to mention Bedouins used to picking up and moving in three seconds flat, plus caves and secret hidey holes carved into the mountains and what do you think is going to happen?

Obama is saying we’re out of there in 2011?


Those troops are going to be kicked into outer space.  Several galaxies far from here.

Obama doesn’t give a shit.  He’s listening to the generals and playing politics and rewarding Wall Street and corporate America.  YET AGAIN.  And the generals don’t give a fuck.  They just want promotions, big budgets and lots of toys to play with.

That is DoD.  Trust me.   I know these assholes.  Why the hell do you think I kicked THEIR asses when I was in DC.

So what the hell are we doing sending kids off to a war we are going to lose, costs billions to fight and is going to cause a shitload of suffering and we don’t even have a plan to treat the wounded already.  THERE IS NO PLAN TO TREAT, REHABILITATE OR FIND JOBS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE TBI.  THE SIGNATURE WOUND OF BOTH IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN.

Trust me.

I have TBI.

Even neurologists don’t fucking understand it.  It causes so many different kinds of conditions and we are on the dawn of neuroscience, that the fact that fucking White House is not only sending more troops off to a stupid war, but on top of this REFUSING to meet with the ONE PERSON IN THE COUNTRY, according to DOD, who doesn’t like ME, yet despite this, has already told me that I am far ahead of THEM in dealing with this, IS ANOTHER SIGN OF UNBELIEVABLE ARROGANCE.  IF NOT IRRESPONSIBILITY, SEXISM, RACISM, CLASSISM and everything else-ism.  And my proposal covers far more than that.

Like putting YOUR ASSES BACK TO WORK.  NOW.  At good salaries.  And saving your fucking mortgages.  NOW.  But Obama doesn’t want that.  Summers doesn’t want that.  Congress doesn’t want that.

They want their buddies to make a fortune off America’s pain.  And whether or not you want to believe that or not, that is what is happening.  All you have to do is look at where the grants are going.  I just happen to have contacts in DC at a high level because of my experience and have secret hidey holes and sources I’ll never reveal that also confirm that this is going on.

And that is totally WRONG.

And this latest escapade of blaming the secret service, is exactly the same fucking thing.  Obama and Co. are basically acting like High Caste Indians and treating the rest of America like low caste untouchables, as they call them in India.  While sending out Obama to do his “everyone in America has opportunity BS” act when they need him to.

Folks, Obama himself was incredibly privileged despite the ‘po black boy shit the campaign cooked up.  How many people have legacy AND minority extra special passes to Harvard Law?  Plus grannies who work at banks, so cosignatories on loans was never an issue.  How many people can say that?

3?  Maybe?


So I gave them a taste of their own medicine.  Because I have a fucking education.  And because despite the fact that Obama thinks that he is god’s gift to the fucking planet, he’s not.

At this point I think he’s just a greedy, lying, corrupt fucking snot.

You do not set up people who are putting their lives on the line to protect you and your family for some fucking stupid political game to protect someone who may be your fucking mistress.  Much less the billion dollar salaries of some of the most corrupt, abusive companies on the planet.  The American Fortune 500.

But in the case of Tinkerbelle and Dingbat, whoever those two are, why the hell has Obama not already just ‘fessed up that he knew who they were?

Why is Tinkerbelle’s claim to greatness different in that picture at the end of the story I already posted than what she claimed to be in Virginia?  Why did no reporter do a check to see if she was a cheerleader FOR the Redskins in the first place?  Or Orwell Central for that matter before going off on some tangent about terrorists?  The Redskins are DC’s hometown sports obsession.  It’s not that difficult to get lists of who was on the cheerleading squad  going back to the founding of the team itself.  It’s not a national security secret.  Like say getting into the White House.  During a HIGH SECURITY, have to be CLEARED BY THE PENTAGON FIRST TO GET IN affair.

But Obama knows them, has for some time, has YET to say that he does, that is very clear, why the fucking secrecy in the first place?  That is what is so WRONG with this whole fucking story to begin with.  And why I smelled a rat.  And why I set out so many rat traps.  And sure enough, they’re going off.  Confirming my story and my suspicions to a T.

And that is why I’m deconstructing it.  And setting the traps I am.  And so far, every fucking suspicion, not to mention trap has been right and gone off like clockwork.  And that alone should make you too, start to ask some really hard questions if not pee in your fucking pants.  Why?  I’ll get to in a minute.

But back to the story.  We were at Pepsi.

Pepsi is hardly a shrinking violet when it comes to the online branding and social networking of it’s branding either.  I highly suggest you take a look at this link and especially think about the politics of the American politician they show.  Specifically the one known as “Tricky Dick” and his involvement with things like dirty tricks, break-ins, lying, illegal spying and of course, ILLEGAL WIRETAPPING.

And the significance to today’s problems with say FISA.  And what I’m pretty sure is an enemy’s list.  Because no matter what I’ve done, and what I’ve said, and no matter how much I’ve called, the White House REFUSES to call me back.

And there is NO EXCUSE FOR THAT.

But on the topic of Pepsi using Nixon as their iconic role model, rather ironic and fitting, don’t you think?  And pretty stupid on Pepsi’s part, although quite revealing of both their corporate politics, and, I’m sorry to say, The White House’s.  And this stupid equation and continuation of America’s obsession with fighting wars and translation of “Commie=Terrorist.”

And part of this idea called cultural superiority that Americans have that our mission in life is to Americanize the world.


While I’m no opponent of FAIR international trade, I don’t like seeing the double arches of McDonalds in Serbia.  And OUR, as in the American way of life is in NO WAY SUPERIOR to that of any other culture.  In fact, our way of life is incredibly destructive. Including ecologically.

Samuel Huntington, who I’m sure Mr. Obama read at Harvard or Columbia, and probably loves, was an appalling example of this kind of grandiose, America is better than anyone else thinking.

And Americans in general are appallingly culturally imperialistic, ignorant and intolerant.

And you can hate that opinion and statement all you want but having lived abroad, and trust me, if this country doesn’t shape up, will again pretty soon, with no plans on returning ever again, other countries and their cultures have the right to exist, without America fucking telling them what to do, eat, drink, consume or how to live their lives.  Much less steal their natural resources at gunpoint.  Or use their population as slave labor for our multinational criminal corporations.  Who use the same corporate BS propaganda as the White House is now, but trust me, it’s Bullshit.

Having worked at one of those appalling megamonsters out of necessity for awhile, which has now absolutely destroyed my life (guess that teaches me, huh) I know damned well how American corporations treat Indian workers.  Highly skilled ones at that.  And the truth is not very pretty.  In fact it’s a horror story.

But for the next part of THIS HORROR STORY, you’ll have to tune in to the next blog post.  Part II


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